The series follows ghost hunters Zak Bagans, Nick Groff (seasons 110), and Aaron Goodwin as they investigate locations that are reported to be haunted. In the show you can see the crew and the Zak acquaint themselves with the general area, Interviewing the locals about the haunted incidents happening in front of their eyes, and go face to face with haunted spirits wandering over the place for years. Ghost Adventures is an American paranormal documentary and reality television series created by Zak Bagans and Nick Groff, airing on the Travel Channel. John Beecham arrives in Delhi in 1800 determined to make a new life for himself. The paranormal expert, who has been investigating hauntings on Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures since 2008, just released a new feature-length documentary, Demon House, about a now-demolished. Then you’re at the right stop here we will show you the top 10 best Ghost Adventures Episodes which you can enjoy watching.
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